Monday, June 2, 2014

Old Faces

Dear family,
I´ve had an interesting week since I was able to go back to Huelva to do intercambios. Some people weren´t as strong as they were when I left, so I encouraged them as much as I could in the short time I had, but was sad they´d slipped back. The best part of my time was seeing Sandra and her family again. They drove all the way from Valverde del Camino just to see me for a few minutes. Gustavo has grown up a ton- you can´t tell in the pictures, but he´s taller than me, and really strong in the church- he does his home teaching and everything. Natacha and Sandra are as strong as ever, and so so sweet. Even Juan Carlos (Sandra´s husband) came- he tells me he´s going to church whenever he can (2 or 3 times a month), but with his work schedule hasn´t had time for the charlas yet.
I´ve also been spending my P day with Bishop Padilla and his wife from my area in Málaga- they heard I was coming and offered to take us around Málaga. Right now Magdalena is making us lunch- they are seriously so kind, and I´ve loved being around them again. Bishop Padilla can now talk at normal neck-break pace and I understand him- he finds this very amusing.
Hna. Nielsen tells me Jose Angel got a calling as a counselor in the young men´s presidency and that he´s doing well.
Marcos was baptized last Saturday- the baptism went well, and his wife and kids all came- we´re hoping we can begin teaching the whole family.
Things are going well- I´ve been blessed a lot. It´s a miracle that I can make it back to see the people I love so much. I hope you all have a great week, and that someone sends me at least one pictures of Mark and Amanda´s wedding. Jon, I´m assigning you, since when I say things like this everyone waits for someone else to do it :)
Take care!

Love, Hna. Johnson

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