Monday, June 9, 2014


Dear family,
another good week. We are teaching Tania and her family more often (the ones that came to church two weeks ago), and they all came to church again this Sunday. I fall a bit more in love with the family the more we´re with them. Ricardo, 7, is so patient and sweet with his little sister, and Blanca, 4, has me wrapped around her finger. When we come, she sits me down in front of her, and without waiting for permission, sets a kitten on my lap, asks me to draw her a picture, and then paints my nails. For a four year old she does a pretty good job. The best is that Tania and her sister Marlen are feeling the difference hearing our message makes in their lives. Once when we asked Tania if she´d read from the Book of Mormon as we´d asked, she said that she´d come home from work, and Ricardo was waiting in his room with the Book of Mormon open, ready to read with her. Keep them in your prayers.
I did intercambios in Cádiz with Hna. Moreno and Hna. Fumero, who are comps right now with Hna. Thompson from the MTC. They´re doing really well- I love learning from other missionaries... and riding bikes at dawn by the bay in Cádiz for exercise in the morning. Our biggest accomplishment was fitting all three of us with all three bikes in the elevator at once. Europe teaches you how to conserve space.
I got some letters from the office this week (it´s faster if you send them to me in Jerez), so for those who wrote me, I´ll hopefully get a letter in the mail for you today.
I´m doing well- not feeling at all ready to finish my mission. Fortunately I still have the rest of the summer. I´m glad to hear you´re all doing well, and will be happy to see you again.
Love, Hna. Johnson
pictures- me and four of my companions at the mission home, dawn in Cádiz, Blanca and I

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