Monday, June 16, 2014

Here Comes the Sun

Dear family,

the heat hit with a vengeance this week. It was nice and cool Tuesday, then on Wednesday, Spain turned on the oven. They say it´s worse here than Málaga... but for now, I´m still alive. We´ll see what happens in the worst months, July and August.

First the pictures. We went to the pueblo Arcos last Monday- it´s beautiful, but the best part for me was the falconer at the top that let us hold whichever bird we wanted. Hey, Dad, can I have a barn owl? I promise I´ll take care of it. Oh, by the way, I¨ve already ordered one that should fly in any day now.

The recent convert Marcos is doing well- he received the Aaronic priesthood yesterday and is going strong. 

We FINALLY got to do service this week! We´re always looking for it, but people don´t often give us the chance. We helped paint the home of a part member family. They in turn gave our number to a non member who needed help in her house. She´s a promising new investigator named Inma.

I can´t believe how fast the time is going- I´m excited to see everyone again, especially the kids, but I´m going to miss Spain and being a missionary. There´s nothing quite like it, and I know I´ll never be the same, or see the world the same. 

You´re in my prayers. 

Love, Hna. Johnson

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