Thursday, April 17, 2014

Return of the Harpoon Gun

Dear family,
since I wrote last Wednesday, there isn´t too much to report on. We have a really cool new investigator- she´s a woman from the dominican republic, but lived in New York most of her life- so she has an awesome accent and a... liberal vocabulary, but she´s a good soul. (her 14 year old daughter is listening too).
Jose Ángel is doing really well. He´s planning on being baptized the 26th of April. We always ask him to share things he learned/liked/felt from his study of the Book of Mormon. He came across a scripture in Alma that says that many were brought to the truth through the power of the words of the missionaries. He grinned at us and asked why we thought he liked this one so much. You might not remember, but one of his doubts has been that he´s felt the spirit really strongly when we teach, and not as strongly when he reads the Book of Mormon. He feels like the Book of Mormon answered his question, and that this is the way God has chosen to show Him this is the true path.
God really does answer prayers, and reveals truth to the honest seekers. I know that, and I love seeing when other people come to know that for themselves.
Love, Hna. Johnson

P.S. I saw harpoon gun man again- walking down the street in broad daylight, gun in hand. No joke- that gun reaches from the ground to my shoulder. And fortunately that harpoon has yet to reach any of my vital organs.

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