Wednesday, April 9, 2014

La Conferencia

Dear family,

I just got back from missionary council in Fuengirola- this time in car. We had lots and lots of "detours" because we had no GPS and no one was particularly familiar with the spanish highways. There sure are some beautiful coasts in southern Spain, though!
I loved conference last weekend- I have yet to watch about an hour of the Saturday afternoon session, but I was able to watch the other sessions. I´m so grateful for the anchor of the prophets in these days. I love that they can speak with such love and compassion, and also stand so unapologetically against all the evils in the world. It can be done, and it should be done. I love when Elder Holland said, "Defend your beliefs with love, but defend them."
Jose Ángel was the only investigator that was able to come, but it was perfect for him. He´s very noble hearted, and it was perfect that President Monson talked about kindness and Christ-like love. It touched him, and I think it´s strengthened his confidence in the leaders of the church. He´s found some negative things on the internet about the church, and told us he was a little afraid of becoming part of a "cult". President Monson´s talk relieved some of his doubts. He also finally felt the spirit from his personal study of the Book of Mormon, which is a big step for him. He´s doing really well.
I know that President Monson and the twelve apostles are disciples and prophets called of God, and that this is the living church of Jesus Christ on the earth today. I´m reminded of it constantly and I don´t doubt it for a moment. I love Jesus Christ and am grateful for His Atonement and its enabling power.
I´m so grateful for the family I´ve been given and the correct principles it has taught me.

All my love, Hna. Johnson

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