Monday, April 28, 2014

No Time

Dear family,
we spent the day exploring the castle and beautiful little streets in the center of Alicante, and finding hna. Nielsen a yellow skirt for her brother´s wedding, and so I´m left with absolutely no time.
Just know that I´m well- Jose Angel was baptized and he´s very happy about it. Gave a very powerful testimony in his baptism. We´re still finding new investigators and keeping an eye out for the next Jose.
I´ll be sending a little mother´s day package home this week with a pendrive of all my pictures from the MTC until today- please back them up on the computer dad- so many missionaries have lost a lot of their mission pictures, and it would break my heart if that happened.
I´m doing well, we´re working hard, we love the people. Please send me Mark and Amanda´s wedding invitation. When are they getting married anyhow?
Love you guys a lot.
Love, Hna. Johnson
Oh, and with skyping on mother´s day- we´ll probably do it at 9 pm here in Alicante, not sure when that would be in utah- 1 pm in sandy? let me know if that works. Love you and will see you in no time!

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