Monday, August 5, 2013


Dear Family,

This week has been a little bit of a nasty one, mostly because things are going so well... and it´s all going to change. I´m pretty sure I´ve expressed just how much I love la Palma and la Palmilla, the two really ghetto neighborhoods in our zone. The ward is splitting in half, using a dry riverbed as the boundary line. Half of our area is in barrio 4 (palma & palmilla), and the other half is in barrio 3 (ciudad jardín and parque del sur), and they´ll be sending us sisters to barrio 3. The other sad thing is that every single one of our investigators lives in la Palma or la Palmilla... so we´ll sort of be starting from scratch.

And then after this transfer, there´s a good chance they´ll send us closer to the coast to work where the elders are working now, which I´m a little upset about, because it´s a very ritzy, touristy area, and I much prefer my beloved ´hood. 

Still getting along great with Hna. Folsom, although I can say now with assurety (is that a word?) that she is not like Amanda N. I feel like my spanish is deteriorating a tiny bit now that I´m not conversing with a native companion all day, but I´m sure we´ll figure out a good study pattern together. 

I made recordings for the nieces and nephews who wrote me on my birthday (all but Jon´s kids, I think- I´ll have to make theirs next pday), so make sure you get those from dad (Lintons, Blodgetts, Farners, Cheneys... any Johnsons besides Jon?). 

Sorry I´ve been bad at responding to letters recently- we´ve got a lot on our shoulders here, and so even on pdays I find I don´t really have time to write. Training is going much better this time around- partly because there are no culture-communication barriers. We work pretty well as a team, and it´s definitely a different experience having a non-native companion.

What´s most interesting is when we teach people in Spanish when they´re learning Spanish too, and it´s the only common language we have (like some new Romanians) or when English is the common language, but they´re learning that (a new investigator from Poland.) We never know quite what to expect and frequently order copies of the Book of Mormon in 3 or 4 different languages. 

I better head on out, but just know that you´re all in my thoughts and prayers. I dreamt the other night of my first afternoon back home- I know it´s going to be wonderful- especially to see all the nieces and nephews. Love you all!

Love, Hna. Johnson

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