Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Drum Roll Please

Dear Family,

meet Hermana Folsom! She´s from Seattle, 19 years old, good Spanish vocabulary (even if the grammar needs a bit of polish), bold, cheerful, smart. She´s pretty much awesome. She kind of reminds me of Amanda Nordhagen, just a bit less mature. She´s so full of energy and excited for the work, and I have a feeling this will be the start of a great transfer and a beautiful friendship. Also, we have matching watches. Pretty sure we were supposed to be companions. 

I´m a little worried for what will happen this transfer because the ward boundaries are changing, and unless we have one foot in each ward, we´re going to lose half of our area. I might drop dead if we lose la Palmilla, but I´ll be sad losing any of it because we know so many good people from both sides of the river, and have met so many that are prepared that we just have to start teaching.

So far that´s been a strength for our companionship- we talk to everyone naturally and invite everyone to learn more. People have even stopped us on the street a lot this week to ask us about what we believe. Granted, one was a group of gypsies that the Romanians said have tried to rob them before... but everyone needs the gospel, right? :) Got to love la Palmilla. 

I really have had such a good week, and training is going better this time around- partially because I´m training a good ol´ American girl, and partially because I have a better idea of what I´m doing. We´re learning a lot from our companion studies and really preparing ourselves for our investigators the best we can.

The Romanians are doing well- all 3 kids older than 8 are practically begging to be baptized... now we just need the parents to give them permission (and realize that they want to be baptized too). We´re going to have a lesson with all the adults this Wednesday, so keep us in your prayers so we can really touch the hearts of this beautiful family.

Happy is unpredictable still, but we´re going forward slowly and surely.

Tina and Peggy are great- we´re excited to teach them more this week.

Some names to look for in future emails- Enrique, Rosa, Estefanía. So excited to be a part of this great work!

I better be heading, but I want you all to know that I´m really growing and trying to improve as a missionary. This work really is the work of the Lord, and I see His hand in it each and every day. I love you all and invite you to step in and experience the joy of inviting others to come to Christ. 

All my love, 
Hna. Johnson

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