Friday, July 12, 2013

Everybody's Got a Water Buffalo

Dear Family,

the rest of my birthday last week was really nice. We ate with a member family who live right on the beach, and after homemade pizza, they surprised me with a beautiful (and incredibly delicious) cake with the inscription, "Feliz Cumple, Hna". While I´m on the topic of food, we ate Paella with another member family, and I ate octopus (add it to the list). It was kind of rubbery, as one might expect from octopus tentacles, but all in all pretty good :) 

I loved watching the missionary conference this week- it really gave me and my companion a lot of ideas on how we can better serve and work with the members. We´ve been putting our ideas into practice, and already there´s a connection between us and many of the members that wasn´t there before. On that subject, take care of the missionaries in your areas and help them where you can. 

We had a really good activity at a member´s home on the beach as well. We had lunch on her roof with some recent converts and less active members (none of our investigators could come)- and this is also where all the animal head photos in this email are coming from.  I got to help make the paella, including pulling off the heads and legs and shells of the shrimp. Good fun, good fun. (Also, you can see me rocking the new chacos- yeah, buddy!)

We´ve had a setback this week- Hna. Coloma´s knees are really giving her problems. She has chronic pain there, but it´s been really bad the last few days, so we´ve been instructed to rest up in the mornings, and then have her stay with a member in the evenings while I go on exchanges with Hna. Clark- a new missionary from Utah, with little Spanish experience... this could get really interesting :) She´s also asked President Deere to be put in an area with less hills and stairs this next transfer, so I´ll probably be staying here in Málaga, possibly training again. We´ll see. 

I´m glad I´ll be sticking around longer- I love the members here, and the people we meet every day. We met a really kind Chilean man on the same street where the Romanians live. We met him one day, and the next day when we passed by, he invited us into his store and shared a panini he´d just made, and cold glasses of water. I keep waiting to hear him say, "Hello, my name is Indigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." Because he is that man in the flesh, I´m telling you. We´ll see how it goes with him. 

We haven´t seen the Romanians as much this week. Iulianna is still alive, but she´s weaker, and no longer talks much. They were so happy when we visited her in the hospital again this week. We´re planning on giving the kids the primary songs on cds this week- I know they´re going to love them. Still trying to teach them about the Holy Ghost...

Well, I better get going, but know that I love you all and am grateful for each and every one of you.

Love, Hna. Johnson

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