Monday, August 12, 2013

For Real

Dear Family,

the realignment of the wards has been a little tough- the most difficult was saying goodbye to all- yes, all- of our investigators. 

One family we were really sad to say goodbye to were Uchenna and Ana Maria- she´s from Poland, and he´s from Nigeria, and the have the most beautiful baby I´ve ever seen. Ana Maria is a little skeptical, but she wants to know the truth, and you should have seen how happy she was when we brought her her own Polish copy of the Book of Mormon. Uchenna is ready for it all- his face lights up whenever we teach, and he always tells us excitedly how it all makes sense and fits together. We invited him to be baptized and he responded emphatically, "For real!" Oh, how I´ll miss my Nigerians (you understand, Matt). 

Things are still great with Hna. Folsom- I hope we´ll still be together next transfer, because we get along swimmingly and do the work well together. 

We´re excited to teach one man we keep running into in Parque del Sur- he´s always walking with his son with cerebral palsy leaning on his arm. He tells us he doesn´t believe in God very concretely, but then nods his head thoughtfully and tells us each time that maybe we´ll be able to convince him. 

Well, I´m not quite sure what else to write this week, since we´re starting from scratch and don´t know the people very well. Treading water a little bit over here, but we´re not drowning yet. I´ll just attach some pictures to make up for the empty space :) 

How did the kids like the recordings? Did they turn out alright? 

I love you all, and am praying for you.

Love, Hna. Johnson

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