I´ll save the best for last and talk about trivial things first. Gibraltar last Pday was fun- I got to step from Spanish to British soil, see the coast of Africa, and watch a gang of monkeys steal my companion´s sandwich. It was a great time.
I got to see my trainer, Hna. Cano. She came home to visit for the weekend, and I only saw her for a few moments at the baptism and at church, and was so busy with Tania and all of our other recent converts and investigators, we only had time to snap a picture and say hello. She´s taller now that she can wear high heels.
We have a lizard named Guillermo living in our piso- we´ve only seen him twice now- once running across my feet, once at night in Hna. Cameron´s hair. We have yet to catch him, but I´m determined to do it. Any ideas? I´m sure the nephews will have some.
Tania was baptized this Saturday, and it was beautiful. Well, she was unfortunately baptized 5 times (a recent convert´s first time baptizing... he was a little nervous), but that´s a story for another day- remind me to tell you when I get home. We were so worried that she would feel alone because a lot of the ward members said they couldn´t make it after we called and invited them one by one, and most of her family refused or made other plans for the day- in the end though, there were more people at her baptism than anyone expected (and at the last moment her sister, nephew, and 2 of her kids came). The best moment by far was her testimony- at the last minute, they asked her if she´d like to share it, and even though she´s shy, she accepted. She talked about how she met us, and how much she changed, and how she felt about all that she learned. She´s so strong and we are so happy for her.
That´s my favorite thing about this gospel- that it changes us and makes us new people- more Christlike. I can´t forget it or deny it because I never cease to see it here in the mission and in my own life.
I love you all and will see you soon.
Love, Hna. Johnson
Pictures: Us and Tania, us and a monkey... well, I´m not sure which one is the real monkey, british phone booths, Cano and my district, me with gibraltar (coast of Africa in the back), us with Tania again, and Ricardo, her son with a missionary tag they made in primary.