I feel like I´ve had a little taste of all of my sibling´s missions. Málaga had Matt´s West Africans and Mike´s islanders, Alicante had Jon´s Ecuadorians, Jeréz has Sonja´s Bolivians, and Spain in general has Mark´s... Spaniards. That´s all I have to say on that.
it´s been a good week. We had lots of things fall through, and they often led us to other people. We spent all Sunday morning passing by the homes of people who said they´d come with us to church (investigators, less actives, recent converts), and not one of them answered. We went to church just a little disheartened, and just before sacrament meeting, the elders found us and told us we had "an army of investigators outside"- sure enough, 6 nonmembers were making their way up the sidewalk.
Backstory- in a lesson the night before, we were teaching an Ecuadorian woman- her sister was in the other room watching a soccer game. We invited her in in the middle of the lesson, and then invited them both to church (this whole lesson there was a sleepy kitten on my lap, so I had the spirit and an animal- what more could a Kirsten want?) They said they´d come, which is normal- the abnormal thing is that they actually come... and with another friend and 3 other kids.
We´re working hard with recent converts here, as I may have mentioned. It´s a bit of a mess- some are smoking and drinking, thinking that it´s a suggestion, not a commandment, which I¨m vigorously trying to correct (the mission has taught me that I´m actually bold- I never thought I was before- I just kind of smack people over the head with doctrine, commandments and commitments, then Hna. Cameron kisses the wounds better with a little lovin´), a couple was baptized while still living together without being legally married and are now drifting fast from the church... it´s just a mess. Pray hard for us- we really want to help them but it´s turning out to be a tricky task.
I´m going to Huelva this week- hopefully I won´t have to clean up too many of the messes I made there ;) Thanks for your love and support. Have a great week!
Love, Hna. Johnson